Choose Life, say No to Cigarettes

Most smokers would ask themselves, am I ready to quit today? It’s a hard question. Hardwired between the brain and the digits reaching out for a cigarette, is the visual of those unsightly pictures that government authorities have made cigarette companies print on the packs. This is what could happen to YOU! Yet, quitting is often too difficult.

Smoking programs do work, but for that to happen, there has to be a massive Mindset Shift. We take a look at an Irish campaign, that’s been so successful this year that it’s now adopted in New York.

Advertiser: HSE “Quit”
Title: “I Will Survive”
Agency: BBDO Dublin
Creative Director: Des Kavanagh
Copywriter: Dillon Elliott
Art Director: Clayton Homer
Account Team: Dave McGloughlin, Vivienne Lawlor
Production Company: 2AM London
Film Director: Steve Cope
Production Company Producer: Chris Cable
Agency Producer: Andrew Counihan

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Hi! I'm Ursula Lee, writer and community manager at Asia Fitness Today. I love my food, my cat and my fitness regime :)

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