Amazing Benefits Of Dates
The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heartproblems, anemia, sexual dysfunctions, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions. Dates are also good for gaining weight. They are…
The real (and surprising) reasons healthy movement matters. It’s not about busting your butt to get a gym body. It’s about being capable, confident, and free.
When most people hear healthy movement, they think exercise or fitness or looking better or weight loss. Sometimes, vanity. Often, fitting into social norms. “The man” telling you what to…
Benefits Of A Workplace Wellness Program
When Google opened up in the 90s it took a unique approach to employee satisfaction. In an age of monochrome cubicles and monotonous workdays, they added a workplace wellness program.…
How To Exercise At Work
You do have enough time to exercise, really. Especially if you make moving more a priority throughout the day, even if that’s a work day. Before you get all defensive,…
Benefits of Misai Kuching(Orthosiphon stamineus )
Orthosiphon stamineus or Misai Kucing (Malay for “Cat’s Whiskers”) is a traditional herb that is widely grown in tropical areas. The two general species, Orthosiphon stamineus “purple” and Orthosiphon stamineus…
Three Breathing Exercises
“Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.” Andrew Weil, M.D. Since breathing is…
The Effects of Smoking on the Body
Tobacco smoke is enormously harmful to your health. There’s no safe way to smoke. Replacing your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, or hookah won’t help you avoid the health risks…
Running While Pregnant
Is running during pregnancy safe? Pregnant ladies shouldn’t exercise because it could affect the baby’s health. Is that a fallacy or just a cultural belief? So should pregnant women just…
A little about N.E.A.T, Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis
What is N.E.A.T? Over the past few years, researchers have begun investigating the time we spent awake or at work which is approximately 110 – 115 hours per week, as…
Perimenopause and Running
Menopause signifies the end of the reproductive time for a woman where the ovaries stop releasing eggs, and hormones like oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone decrease in its production. As a…