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HiNounou launches China’s first dedicated Seniors insurance as a Service with AXA Partners China and PingAn at RISE

HiNounou launches China’s first dedicated Seniors insurance as a Service with AXA Partners China and PingAn at RISE

HONG KONG, July 11, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — HiNounou Intelligent Robot (Shanghai) Company Ltd launches its wellness platform and ecosystem hosting the first affordable and dedicated “insurance as a service” for China’s Seniors from AXA Partners China and PingAn.

HiNounou Healthcare Kit
HiNounou Healthcare Kit

HiNounou Intelligent Robot (Shanghai) Company Ltd. is a connected healthcare and intelligent data platform company on a mission to empower the world’s Seniors to live longer, healthier and happier, at home. Powered by AI, IoT, Blockchain, and Genomics, HiNounou’s platform and ecosystem now offer AXA Partners China and Ping An’s first dedicated “insurance as a service” product for China’s Seniors, regardless of their medical history. 

Today the average life expectancy in China for Seniors is 75 years, however, the average healthy life expectancy is only 68 years. This leaves 7 years where the person will be unhealthy, resulting in a significant financial burden on the Senior and their families, with more than 50% of health expenses being paid out of pocket. 

80% of chronic diseases can be mitigated with healthy lifestyle choices. While chronic diseases account for 63% of global deaths, health systems are unadapted and preformatted to cure rather than to prevent illness. A lack of monitoring and preventive measures also results in a lack of timely and effective care. In addition, an acute shortage of caregivers and eldercare facilities for Seniors means a lonely and difficult experience of growing old at home.

Following a combined 12 years of R&D in 4 countries, with 4 Nobel Prize-winning University Hospitals, HiNounou has designed a comprehensive healthcare as a service solution for Seniors. 

HiNounou’s wellness platform and ecosystem provide Seniors with access to no-underwriting accident and death insurance as a service up to the age of 100 years from its partner, China’s #1 insurer, PingAn.

A 24/7 teleconsultation hotline to medical professionals, is delivered in partnership with the world’s leading insurer AXA, through the AXA Partners China teams.

HiNounou Cofounder Charles Bark is excited to share HiNounou’s dream, “This is my dream to take care of my aging mother who lives far away from me. Starting in Mainland China, Singapore, and HongKong, HiNounou delivers a comprehensive healthcare solution that empowers Seniors and gives families peace of mind. In partnership with AXA Partners China and PingAn, two of the world’s leaders in insurance, we can ensure that Seniors, have access to affordable health care and adequate insurances.”

“AXA Partners China is very proud to partner with HiNounou in China, HongKong and in Singapore. Together we innovate to make health insurance accessible and affordable to senior citizens. Technology and data have the power to improve prevention and optimize the efficiencies of our healthcare ecosystems,” said Jerome Itty, the regional CEO of AXA Partners Asia.

For more information, Visit



Leesa – +65-81862155
Danying (Helene) Zhu – – +86-159-0055-9629

HiNounou will be onsite at RISE from 10-12th July for interviews and showcasing on the 11th on the GROWTH platform at stand G109. Please email to confirm your interview slot.


Thibault Demoures – – +852-5508-8020

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